Well, i had a REALLY REALLY great time in Kuantan. For my Christmas. It's all because of u guys. Seriously. We seldom hang out after since we aparted from MRSM. And honestly, i'd been worrying one thing, that will i regret for joining this gang instead of others? Is ackward's going to spread everywhere around us just like the christmas song?
What was i thinking about actually?? (-.-")
There are many facts in life. These facts have no meaning, untill we attach meaning onto it. Friendship is a fact that we already knew eversince we 1st met each other. Time after time we keep attaching meaning onto it. And now it does meant sumthing important to me, because u guys live inside. It mattered to me.
At first panicked, during enjoyed, after relief. This is a short vacation where i successfully bond with my friends, hold their hands and make sure they are still here! Touched is the only thing i can tell.
3 days isn't short, yet it make me feel unsatisfied! How much i wish i could stay longer, so that we can hang out more and more. After this trip i wonder i still have that freedom to hang out lotsa time like i did in 2009 with u guys. I know i had no problem being a good girl, since i'm always been protected within the wall of my family. But to be a good student, it's just another task.
Thanks for giving me such a wonderful memory, for holding strong on our friendship, for having fun all along the way, for caring each other even if we seldom meet.
About the BOYFRIEND thing, i don't think it is a good investment to be made as the returns are not as promising because it is not wise to dump so much time, $$ and energy into a relationship with the sole motive of 'having fun'. I guess i have passed the age of puppy love. How sad. T.T
i'm still single and available!! hehh.
Sumbody missing..?
Well, ChounHong is the camera man.
Well well, ChounHong n Sharon the cannot-be-separated couple are taking our pics!