After 5 months, again i'm donating my blood!
This activity was held in Connaught School. My second time to be there make me less nervous.. sumhow still nervous (-.-").
What it takes to donate ur blood? Easy. U go REGISTER. Then they PICK UR BLOOD on ur fingertip (to test ur blood group). Tack!! like that only. Minor pain la, if compare to the becoming part. Hehee. They WEIGHT UR BLOOD PRESSURE. Then u're brought to a chair and lie down. They FIND UR VEIN. They PUT IN THE THICK NEEDLE.
Donation start.
Pain or not?? Of course la yorr! Just the second he put in the needle. Hehh.
What should u do? Hold and release ur palm in interval. Make urself calm. And remember to breath. Some people(like me) forget to breath when they're in nervous. No breath no blood. If u want to finish it fast, breath harder. Or else u're going to wait for ur blood to fulfill the air bag for half an hour. Suffer man.

After 15 minutes, i'm finished. Wow~ 450ml! Improve 150ml jor. hapy hapy.
Donate blood make myself healthier as new blood will form to replace my out-to-donate blood.
And the most important thing is, to save others' life.
If u donate $$, u give food.
But if u donate blood, u give life.
This world will be awesome if we share and care about each other. Strangers or friends. Right?
So come and donate blood to make a difference.
Ur blood may cause a miracle to happen to some one in this world.

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