There're usually a bright windy sunny day before 5pm...
rains fall heavily!
and non stopable.
During those day when i was home,
it always rain till night.
cold~ cold~
we still manage to cook our tea-time snack.
nice to gather around and enjoy some home-made pancake.
eat eat~
Me too!!
don't know what so attractive they want me to join.
ok lor, play for no harm.
we played for hours...
and finally i bankrap jor.
My mum..
she's crazily doing some ENZYME!!
u know what is that?
its...enzyme lor.
don't know how to explain.
this is the enzymes that can DRINK!
it taste good..just like juice plus alcohol,
or champaigne.
and it is healthy too!!
my brilliant mum.
Now i'm far away from home.
In KL already.
Start to miss them jor.
miss those moment.
Got to be strong,
i'm used to be mature.
Mature enough to handle the feeling of homesick.
I know i can.
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